Convert C++ Code To Assembly Language Online Code Example
Example 1: c++ convert to assembly language $ gcc - S geeks . c Example 2: c++ convert to assembly language # include <iostream> # include <fstream> using namespace std ; struct mail { char un [ 50 ] ; // user name char pd [ 50 ] ; // passsword void reg ( int ) ; } obj [ 5 ] ; void mail :: reg ( int k ) { int i = k ; cout << "\nEnter user name :: " ; cin >> un ; cout << "\nEnter password :: " ; cin >> pd ; ofstream filout ; filout . open ( "C:\\Users\\acer\\Documents\\registration.txt" , ios :: app | ios :: binary ) ; if ( ! filout ) { cout << "\nCannot open file\n" ; } else { cout << "\n" ; filout . write ( ( char * ) & obj [ i ] , sizeof ( mail ) ) ; filout . close ( ) ; } cout << "\n...........Yo...