
Showing posts from December, 2003
Note This plugin is part of the fortinet.fortios collection (version 1.1.8). To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install fortinet.fortios . To use it in a playbook, specify: fortinet.fortios.fortios_system_arp_table . New in version 2.9: of fortinet.fortios Synopsis Requirements Parameters Notes Examples Return Values Synopsis This module is able to configure a FortiGate or FortiOS (FOS) device by allowing the user to set and modify system feature and arp_table category. Examples include all parameters and values need to be adjusted to datasources before usage. Tested with FOS v6.0.0 Requirements The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module. ansible>=2.9.0 Parameters Parameter Choices/Defaults Comments access_token string Token-based authentication. Generated from GUI of Fortigate. state string / required Choices: present absent Indicates whether to create or remove the object.

What Is %p In C Code Example

Example: what is -> in c arrow operator ( -> ) in C is used to access a member of a struct which is referenced by the pointer in question

Using Typedef In C Code Example

Example 1: typedef in c typedef struct { //add different parts of the struct here string username ; string password ; } user ; // name of struct - you can name this whatever user example ; //variable of type user example . username = "Comfortable Caterpillar" ; // username part of example variable example . password = "password" // password part of example variable if ( user . username == "Comfortable Caterpillar" ) { printf ( "upvote this if it helped!" ) ; } Example 2: typedef c typedef int tabla1N [ N + 1 ] ;

Javascript Array Remove Element By Value Code Example

Example 1: remove a particular element from array var colors = [ "red" , "blue" , "car" , "green" ] ; var carIndex = colors . indexOf ( "car" ) ; //get "car" index //remove car from the colors array colors . splice ( carIndex , 1 ) ; // colors = ["red","blue","green"] Example 2: js remove from array by value const index = array . indexOf ( item ) ; if ( index != = - 1 ) array . splice ( index , 1 ) ; Example 3: js remove item from array by value var arr = [ 'bill' , 'is' , 'not' , 'lame' ] ; arr . splice ( output_items . indexOf ( 'not' ) , 1 ) ; console . log ( arr ) //returns ['bill', 'is', 'lame'] Example 4: remove array elements javascript let forDeletion = [ 2 , 3 , 5 ] let arr = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 3 ] arr = arr . filter ( item = > ! forDeletion . includes ( item ) ) // !!!

Arduino Digitalread Code Example

Example 1: arduino digital read int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13 int inPin = 7; // pushbutton connected to digital pin 7 int val = 0; // variable to store the read value void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin 13 as output pinMode(inPin, INPUT); // sets the digital pin 7 as input } void loop() { val = digitalRead(inPin); // read the input pin digitalWrite(ledPin, val); // sets the LED to the button's value } Example 2: arduino digitalread digitalRead(pin number); // can also be used to debug with Serial.println(digialRead(pin number));

Automate Whatsapp With Pywhatkit Code Example

Example: python pywhatkit pip install pywhatkit

Bash Regular Expression -- Can't Seem To Match Any Of \s \S \d \D \w \W Etc

Answer : Perhaps \S and \s is not supported or that you can't place them around [ ] . Try to use this format instead: ^Disk[[:space:]]+/dev[^[:space:]]+:[[:space:]]+[^[:space:]]+ EDIT It seems you actually want to get the matching fields. I made the script simpler to this but I'm not sure if it's your intended output: #!/bin/bash regex='^Disk[[:space:]]+(/dev[^[:space:]]+):[[:space:]]+(.*)' while read line; do [[ $line =~ $regex ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]} matches ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}." done < disks.txt Which produces /dev/sda matches 42.9GB. /dev/sdb matches 42.9GB. Because this is a common FAQ, let me list a few constructs which are not supported in Bash, and how to work around them, where there is a simple workaround. There are multiple dialects of regular expressions in common use. The one supported by Bash is a variant of Extended Regular Expressions. This is different from e.g. what many online regex testers supp

How To Declare Global Function In C Code Example

Example: global and local variables in c # include <stdio.h> //local parameters take precedance to global// /* global variable declaration */ int a = 20 ; int main ( ) { /* local variable declaration in main function */ int a = 10 ; int b = 20 ; int c = 0 ; printf ( "value of a in main() = %d\n" , a ) ; c = sum ( a , b ) ; printf ( "value of c in main() = %d\n" , c ) ; return 0 ; } /* function to add two integers */ int sum ( int a , int b ) { printf ( "value of a in sum() = %d\n" , a ) ; printf ( "value of b in sum() = %d\n" , b ) ; return a + b ; }