Answer : Try this, By using /clear , you can scan people for items. If you want to remove certain items, use /clear @p(or <playername>) <itemid> For example, on a server that doesn't want griefing you could have a clock connected to a command block set to /clear @p minecraft:flint_and_steel , you can also specify how much of an item to remover by doing /clear @p minecraft:flint_and_steel 3 , this would clear three Flint and Steel. I'm a little late to this, but this is what I've had work for me: In Minecraft 1.8+ we have the /testfor command, you can use this to scan the players Inventory slots (all of them, or specific) for items: example: diamond /testfor @p {Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:diamond"}]} to test for an exact amount of the required item include: ,Count:#b within the confines of the "id" brackets however, this will only search for players with a stack of the exact number you select, anything more or less will not ...