
Showing posts from April, 2002

Align DataGrid Column Header To Center

Answer : Check this <DataGridTextColumn Header="Nombre" Binding="{Binding Nombre}"> <DataGridTextColumn.HeaderStyle> <Style TargetType="DataGridColumnHeader"> <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Center" /> </Style> </DataGridTextColumn.HeaderStyle> It should be StaticResource instead of DynamicResource in the Column: Style <Window.Resources> <Style x:Key="CenterGridHeaderStyle" TargetType="DataGridColumnHeader"> <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Center"/> </Style> </Window.Resources> Column <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=Name}" Header="Name" IsReadOnly="True" HeaderStyle="{StaticResource CenterGridHeaderStyle}"/> There is a response for doing it progr...

Ascii To String Python Code Example

Example 1: string to ascii value python >>> s = 'hi' >>> [ord(c) for c in s] [104, 105] Example 2: how to write the character from its ascii value in python c='p' x=ord(c) #it will give you the ASCII value stored in x chr(x) #it will return back the character Example 3: python ascii code to string >>> L = [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100] >>> ''.join(chr(i) for i in L) 'hello, world' Example 4: python convert ascii to char >>> chr(104) 'h' >>> chr(97) 'a' >>> chr(94) '^' Example 5: python convert ascii to char >>> ord('h') 104 >>> ord('a') 97 >>> ord('^') 94 Example 6: python ascii to string # to convert ascii code to character # use "chr()" function with acsii value as parameter to function asc = [x for x in range(65, 65+26)] #asc store ascii value form "A...

Change Select Box Option Background Color

Answer : You need to put background-color on the option tag and not the select tag... select option { margin: 40px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } If you want to style each one of the option tags.. use the css attribute selector: select option { margin: 40px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } select option[value="1"] { background: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.3); } select option[value="2"] { background: rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.3); } select option[value="3"] { background: rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.3); } select option[value="4"] { background: rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.3); } <select> <option value="">Please choose</option> <option value="1">Option 1</option> <option value="2">Option 2</option> <option value="3"...

Clear Cache Cookies Javascript Code Example

Example 1: clear cookies js function deleteAllCookies ( ) { var cookies = document . cookie . split ( ";" ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < cookies . length ; i ++ ) { var cookie = cookies [ i ] ; var eqPos = cookie . indexOf ( "=" ) ; var name = eqPos > - 1 ? cookie . substr ( 0 , eqPos ) : cookie ; document . cookie = name + "=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" ; } } deleteAllCookies ( ) ; Example 2: clearing cookie in js document . cookie . split ( ";" ) . forEach ( function ( c ) { document . cookie = c . replace ( / ^ + / , "" ) . replace ( / = . * / , "=;expires=" + new Date ( ) . toUTCString ( ) + ";path=/" ) ; } ) ;

Change Size Of Figure In Latex Code Example

Example: latex image scale \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \includegraphics[width=50mm]{method.eps} \caption{Overall process} \label{fig:method} \end{figure}

Bootstrap Rounded Buttons Code Example

Example 1: round button css .btn { display:block; height: 300px; width: 300px; border-radius: 50%; border: 1px solid red; } Example 2: button radius bootstrap 4 < span class = " border " > </ span > < span class = " border-top " > </ span > < span class = " border-right " > </ span > < span class = " border-bottom " > </ span > < span class = " border-left " > </ span >

Call Middleware In Controller Laravel Code Example

Example: laravel controller middleware class UserController extends Controller { /** * Instantiate a new controller instance. * * @return void */ public function __construct ( ) { $this - > middleware ( 'auth' ) ; $this - > middleware ( 'log' ) - > only ( 'index' ) ; $this - > middleware ( 'subscribed' ) - > except ( 'store' ) ; } }

Capturing Groups From A Grep RegEx

Answer : If you're using Bash, you don't even have to use grep : files="*.jpg" regex="[0-9]+_([a-z]+)_[0-9a-z]*" for f in $files # unquoted in order to allow the glob to expand do if [[ $f =~ $regex ]] then name="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" echo "${name}.jpg" # concatenate strings name="${name}.jpg" # same thing stored in a variable else echo "$f doesn't match" >&2 # this could get noisy if there are a lot of non-matching files fi done It's better to put the regex in a variable. Some patterns won't work if included literally. This uses =~ which is Bash's regex match operator. The results of the match are saved to an array called $BASH_REMATCH . The first capture group is stored in index 1, the second (if any) in index 2, etc. Index zero is the full match. You should be aware that without anchors, this regex (and the one using grep ) wi...

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Free Download Mac Code Example

Example 1: microsoft flight simulator 2020 Turns your computer into a space heater. Example 2: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 If you love your pc please don't play this Example 3: microsoft flight simulator 2020 Good game if you live in Cold climates.

Best Order For KeyboardAvoidingView, SafeAreaView And ScrollView

Answer : SafeAreaView only works with iOS . Therefore, it is assumed that you use the iOS . If your project is iOS , you can use KeyboardAwareScrollView . SafeAreaView should be at the top because it covers the area of the screen. KeyboardAwareScrollView Example Usage import { KeyboardAwareScrollView } from 'react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view' ... <SafeAreaView> <KeyboardAwareScrollView> <View> <TextInput /> </View> </KeyboardAwareScrollView> </SafeAreaView>

Combine Abstract Class Typescript Code Example

Example 1: abstract classes in typescript abstract class Department { constructor ( public name : string ) { } printName ( ) : void { console . log ( "Department name: " + this . name ) ; } abstract printMeeting ( ) : void ; // must be implemented in derived classes } class AccountingDepartment extends Department { constructor ( ) { super ( "Accounting and Auditing" ) ; // constructors in derived classes must call super() } printMeeting ( ) : void { console . log ( "The Accounting Department meets each Monday at 10am." ) ; } generateReports ( ) : void { console . log ( "Generating accounting reports..." ) ; } } let department : Department ; // ok to create a reference to an abstract type department = new Department ( ) ; // error: cannot create an instance of an abstract class Cannot create an instance of an abstract class .2511 Cannot create an ins...

Are There Mods That Mark Unique Items In Skyrim?

Answer : Legacy of the Dragonborn is a mod that allows you to fill an entire museum with all the unique items from Skyrim and more (3500+). This mod has compatibility patches with a lot of other mods in case you use those to incorporate their unique items as well. The best feature i.m.o. of this mod is that it also helps you find unique items from time to time. It does not 'mark' the items, but if you go to the museum and stash your items after exploring an area you can at least filter all the museum items through the drop-off chest in the working area or the various shipment crates throughout Skyrim. After that you can sell the rest yourself or use the selling cart feature of the museum. Note that you do need to start a new game for it to work. Also, read the manual and various disclaimers on the main page of the mod so you don't run into any surprises. Legacy of the Dragonborn is also available for oldrim. ...

Bcript Match Code Example

Example 1: bcrypt create encrypted password bcrypt . hash ( password , 12 ) . then ( hash => { console . log ( hash ) } ) ; Example 2: bcrypt Password Hashing BCrypt . with ( BCrypt . Version . VERSION_2Y ) . hashToChar ( 10 , password . toCharArray ( ) ) ;

Can Jconsole Data Be Retrieved From The Command Line?

Answer : jconsole just provides a wrapper around the JMX MBeans that are in the platform MBeanServer . You can write a program to connect to your VM using the Attach API which would then query the MBeans. Or you can expose the platform MBeanServer over RMI and query the MBeans that way. See the package for more info Maybe jvmtop is worth a look. It's a command-line tool which provides a live-view for several metrics. Example output of the VM overview mode: JvmTop 0.4.1 amd64 8 cpus, Linux 2.6.32-27, load avg 0.12 PID MAIN-CLASS HPCUR HPMAX NHCUR NHMAX CPU GC VM USERNAME #T DL 3370 rapperSimpleApp 165m 455m 109m 176m 0.12% 0.00% S6U37 web 21 11272 ver.resin.Resin [ERROR: Could not attach to VM] 27338 WatchdogManager 11m 28m 23m 130m 0.00% 0.00% S6U37 web 31 19187 m.jvmtop.JvmTop 20m 3544m 13m 130m 0.93% 0.47% S6U37 web 20 16733 artup.Bootstrap 159m...

Becoming Thieves Guild Guildmaster, Am I Bugged?

Answer : It seems indeed that there is a bug related to thieves guild leadership: If the player completes the main story arc before doing the side and improvement quests for Vex and Delvin, Brynjolf may not interact with the player and instead repeat that he is busy and that he will talk to you later. Consequently, becoming the Guildmaster will be rendered impossible. This may be a part of a bug where Karliah disappears and does not appear in either the Nightingale Hall or the Twilight Sepulcher. She does, however, return to the Snow Veil Sanctum where you first encounter her. Possible Fix: Run outside when finishing your first interaction with Brynjolf. You need to run outside as quick as possible by going to the ladder and exiting. You should see the quest update pop up reading: "Started Under New Management". Afterward, go back inside and proceed to Brynjolf. To talk to Brynjolf, let him go to the middle of the Cistern first, and wait. He then should start talking...

Blender Select All Vertices In Area Code Example

Example 1: how to select all vertices in blender I'm Struggling Like U Example 2: blender select all vertices The 'A' key selects all vertices

Can I Access 2b2t On A Nintendo Switch?

Answer : No, 2b2t is only compatible with an older version of the Java Edition client (currently at version 1.12.2 at the time of this answer). You can only join the 2b2t with the specific version of Minecraft that the server is running. It's theoretically possible - a tool called Geyser lets you connect to Java Edition servers on Bedrock, even on console, according to this video: It may be possible to connect to 1.12 servers (using VIAaaS), but I don't have a console to test it on, and you do need a Java Edition account (and a PC or Mac) if all of this is possible, so it's more something to do as an experiment, not something to do if you don't want to buy Java Edition. If anyone does want to do this, here are some useful links: (thanks jamestheawesomedude) I want to know if there is any w...

String Javascript Mdn Code Example

Example 1: javascript string lentrh var myString = "string test" ; var stringLength = myString . length ; console . log ( stringLength ) ; // Will return 11 because myString // is 11 characters long... Example 2: javascript string starts with //checks if a string starts with a word function startsWith ( str , word ) { return str . lastIndexOf ( word , 0 ) == = 0 ; } startsWith ( "Welcome to earth." , "Welcome" ) ; //true Example 3: mdn js string String ( thing )

Cannot Launch AVD In Emulator. Please Ensure Intel HAXM Is Properly Installed And Usable

Answer : After downloading the Intel HAXM from the android studio, you need to install it. Run the setup from Users*name*\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager\intelhaxm-android.exe Sadly, this can be installed only on computers with Intel CPU's, so you must have an Intel to run the Android Studio emulator. Have you tried reinstalling Intel HAXM? To do that follow these steps. 1) Open SDK Manager and Download Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer) if you haven't. 2) Now go to your SDK directory (C:\users\username\AppData\Local\Android\sdk, generally). In this directory Go to extras > intel > Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager and run the file named "intelhaxm-android.exe". 3) Restart Android Studio and then try to start the AVD again. It might take a minute or 2 to show the emulator window.

Admin Url Redirecting To Localhost/admin

Answer : First change from http://localhost/sitename to second, after doing this remove var/cache folder. Check your  Baseurl  and  Baseurl secure    Change From :- localhost To :- Then Run This Command :- sudo php bin/magento cache:flush sudo php bin/magento cache:clean

Call A Href From Javascript Code Example

Example: a href call funtion < a href = " javascript:yourFunction(); " >

^a-zA-Z0-9 Excluding Spaces?

Answer : You could also try with: /[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/gi If you only want to exclude spaces use: [^ ]* Test the regex here if you want.