
Showing posts from November, 2001

Web Whatsapp Url Link Code Example

Example: link whatsapp to website < ! -- link the following URL to the desired icon or button in your code : https : // (see the example below) remember to include the country code -- > < a href = '' target = '_blank' > < i class = "fa fa-whatsapp" > < / i > < / a >

Cherry Pick Using TortoiseGit

Answer : Open the log in a repository with the target branch checked out. Use the top-left blue branch name to select the source branch. Select the commit(s) you want. Right click and select Cherry Pick this commit . Considering 'release' branch is required to cherry-pick from 'master' branch, follow the steps as provided below: Step 1: Checkout 'release' branch Step 2: Click TostoiseGit -> Show log Step 3: Filter Source Branch Commits to be Cherry-picked On the Log Messages window, select the source branch from where the commits will be Cherry Picked (i.e. 'master' branch in this example). The branch selection can be done from top left of the 'Log Messages' window (as shown below) Step 4: Select the Commits to be Cherry-picked Finally select the commits and right-click the context menu to cherry-pick them. The above answers are also correct and I am just simplifying it. If you want to cherry pick from one ...

36 Inch To Cm Code Example

Example 1: inch to cm 1 inch = 2.54 cm Example 2: cm to inch 1 cm = 0.3937 inch

Update Multiple Columns In Sql Server Code Example

Example 1: sql update multiple columns from another table -- Oracle UPDATE table2 t2 SET ( VALUE1 , VALUE2 ) = ( SELECT COL1 AS VALUE1 , COL1 AS VALUE2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE t1 . ID = t2 . ID ) ; -- SQL Server UPDATE table2 t2 SET t2 . VALUE1 = t1 . COL1 , t2 . VALUE2 = t1 . COL2 FROM table1 t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1 . ID = t2 . ID ; -- MySQL UPDATE table2 t2 INNER JOIN table1 t1 USING ( ID ) SET T2 . VALUE1 = t1 . COL1 , t2 . VALUE2 = t1 . COL2 ; Example 2: sql server update multiple columns at once UPDATE Person . Person Set FirstName = 'Kenneth' , LastName = 'Smith' WHERE BusinessEntityID = 1 Example 3: update multiple columns in sql UPDATE table - name SET column - name = value , column - name = value WHERE condition = value

Any Way To Synchronize Table Column Widths With HTML + CSS?

Answer : If you're not too picky about which column widths the browser comes up with, as long as they're the same across different tables, you can use the CSS table-layout property (supported by all major browsers) in combination with a table width: table { table-layout: fixed; width: 100%; } This causes all columns (without a specified width) to have the same width, regardless of the table content. It's only possible if you can fix-width the columns. If you can set a fixed width then some css like this should work: td { width: 25%; } You can customize each columns width like this: <table> <tr> <td class="col1">...</td> <td class="col2">...</td> </tr> </table> ... <table> <tr> <td class="col1">...</td> <td class="col2">...</td> </tr> </table> and then specify the widths like this: .col...

Change Border Color Of Multiple Cells In Excel 2010?

Answer : Yeah, just multiselect the cells and click the borders button o the Main Tab. On the menu, select Line color and have at it. edit Forgot about the obvious answer. Format Painter. I got the answer, found it myself, On the menu, select Line color, then you'll see a pencil, click on a cell then press ctrl and drag the pencil trough the desired cells. Check it by yourself !

"CAUTION: Provisional Headers Are Shown" In Chrome Debugger

Answer : The resource could be being blocked by an extension (AdBlock in my case). The message is there because the request to retrieve that resource was never made, so the headers being shown are not the real thing. As explained in the issue you referenced, the real headers are updated when the server responds, but there is no response if the request was blocked. The way I found about the extension that was blocking my resource was through the net-internals tool in Chrome: For Latest Versions of chrome Type chrome://net-export/ in the address bar and hit enter. Start Recording. And save Recording file to local. Open the page that is showing problems. Go back to net-internals You can view Recorded Log file Here click on events (###) and use the textfield to find the event related to your resource (use parts of the URL). Finally, click on the event and see if the info shown tells you something. For Older Versions of chro...

Map Function In Arduino With Example

Example 1: map arduino Syntax map ( value , fromLow , fromHigh , toLow , toHigh ) Parameters value : the number to map . fromLow : the lower bound of the value’s current range . fromHigh : the upper bound of the value’s current range . toLow : the lower bound of the value’s target range . toHigh : the upper bound of the value’s target range . Example : map ( val , 0 , 255 , 0 , 1023 ) ; Example 2: arduino map function long map ( long x , long in_min , long in_max , long out_min , long out_max ) { return ( x - in_min ) * ( out_max - out_min ) / ( in_max - in_min ) + out_min ; }

ASP.NET DateTime Picker

Answer : The answer to your question is that Yes there are good free/open source time picker controls that go well with ASP.NET Calendar controls. ASP.NET calendar controls just write an HTML table. If you are using HTML5 and .NET Framework 4.5, you can instead use an ASP.NET TextBox control and set the TextMode property to "Date", "Month", "Week", "Time", or "DateTimeLocal" -- or if you your browser doesn't support this, you can set this property to "DateTime". You can then read the Text property to get the date, or time, or month, or week as a string from the TextBox. If you are using .NET Framework 4.0 or an older version, then you can use HTML5's <input type="[month, week, etc.]"> ; if your browser doesn't support this, use <input type="datetime"> . If you need the server-side code (written in either C# or Visual Basic) for the information that the user inputs in the dat...

Avatar The Last Airbender Season 4 Dailymotion Code Example

Example 1: avatar the last airbender The best tv show! Example 2: avatar the last airbender what innocent ibex said

Change EditText Hint Color When Using TextInputLayout

Answer : Define android:textColorHint in your application theme: <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar"> <item name="colorPrimary">@color/primary</item> <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/primary_dark</item> <item name="colorAccent">@color/accent</item> <item name="android:textColorHint">@color/secondary_text</item> </style> Source Create custom style in style.xml <style name="EditTextHint" parent="TextAppearance.AppCompat"> <item name="colorAccent">@android:color/white</item> <item name="android:textColorHint">@color/BackgroundtWhiteColor</item> <item name="colorControlNormal">@color/BackgroundtWhiteColor</item> <item name="colorControlActivated">@color/your color</item> <item name...

Yto Mp3 Code Example

Example: yt to mp3 Youtube - DL works great . Download from https : // To use, type youtube-dl <url> --audio-format mp3

Code Signing "No Account For Team" Message When Signing For Different Developer Account

Answer : The solution for me was to set the team in General settings of the target and in General settings of the Tests. For me the solution was to set the team in both General settings AND Build settings. I'm using xcode 9. In my case, the error was caused by obsolete team ID in the project settings. I.e. I got a project from a person long gone. So, I just copied the team ID from error message and used a search within the project in XCode to find where this team ID is. It found me two places in the project settings, I put a new developer id there and the error was gone.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Startet Nicht Code Example

Example 1: microsoft flight simulator 2020 Turns your computer into a space heater. Example 2: microsoft flight simulator Your computer will perish at the hands of this game , I played 4 k I know.

Youtube Mp32 Code Example

Example: youtube download mp3 I use https : // as a Python CLI tool to download videos

Ansible Synchronize With Wildcard

Answer : This can be done with ansible's with_lines: - name: Install services jar synchronize: src="{{item}}" dest=/opt/company/ with_lines: "find {{ core_repo }}/service-packaging/target/ -name all-services*.jar | grep -v original" Ansible module synchronize uses rsync and supports custom options for rsync through parameter rsync_opts (since 1.6) which could be used to filter file. Example: - name: sync source code synchronize: src: "/path/to/local/src" dest: "{{lookup('env','HOME')}}/remote/src" rsync_opts: - "--include=*.py" - "--exclude=*.pyc" - "--delete"

Appendchildren Javascript Code Example

Example 1: appendchild javascript function createMenuItem ( name ) { let li = document . createElement ( 'li' ) ; li . textContent = name ; return li ; } // get the ul#menu const menu = document . querySelector ( '#menu' ) ; // add menu item menu . appendChild ( createMenuItem ( 'Home' ) ) ; menu . appendChild ( createMenuItem ( 'Services' ) ) ; menu . appendChild ( createMenuItem ( 'About Us' ) ) ; Example 2: appendchild javascript const parent = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ; const child = document . createElement ( 'p' ) ; const childTwo = document . createElement ( 'p' ) ; parent . append ( child , childTwo , 'Hello world' ) ; // Works fine parent . appendChild ( child , childTwo , 'Hello world' ) ; // Works fine, but adds the first element and ignores the rest

Endln C++ Code Example

Example: C++ and endl // endl example # include <iostream> // std::cout, std::end using namespace std ; int main ( ) { int a = 100 ; double b = 3.14 ; cout << a ; cout << endl ; // manipulator inserted alone cout << b << endl << a * b ; // manipulator in concatenated insertion endl ( cout ) ; // endl called as a regular function return 0 ; }

Array_split Vs Array_slice From Yahoo Baba Code Example

Example: limit offset array php array_slice ( $array , 0 , 50 ) ; // same as offset 0 limit 50 in sql

Angular 5 Mat-grid List Responsive

Answer : You have to set the cols attribute of the mat-grid-list dynamically depending on the screen width. You'd have to decide on which width breakpoint will the mat-grid-list render the 1-column version. HTML: <mat-grid-list [cols]="breakpoint" rowHeight="2:0.5" (window:resize)="onResize($event)"> <mat-grid-tile>1</mat-grid-tile> <mat-grid-tile>2</mat-grid-tile> <mat-grid-tile>3</mat-grid-tile> <mat-grid-tile>4</mat-grid-tile> <mat-grid-tile>5</mat-grid-tile> <mat-grid-tile>6</mat-grid-tile> </mat-grid-list> TS: ngOnInit() { this.breakpoint = (window.innerWidth <= 400) ? 1 : 6; } onResize(event) { this.breakpoint = ( <= 400) ? 1 : 6; } Stackblitz demo here Hope this helps! I liked Altus answer, but I would like to have more breakpoints. So I've created a simple method with some breakpoints using F...