
Showing posts from May, 2000 Maven Gradle Code Example

Example: gson gradle dependency dependencies { implementation '' }

Basic Books Json Dataset Code Example

Example: basic books json dataset {"title": "Northanger Abbey", "author": "Austen, Jane", "year_written": 1814, "edition": "Penguin", "price": 18.2}, {"title": "War and Peace", "author": "Tolstoy, Leo", "year_written": 1865, "edition": "Penguin", "price": 12.7}, {"title": "Anna Karenina", "author": "Tolstoy, Leo", "year_written": 1875, "edition": "Penguin", "price": 13.5}, {"title": "Mrs. Dalloway", "author": "Woolf, Virginia", "year_written": 1925, "edition": "Harcourt Brace", "price": 25}, {"title": "The Hours", "author": "Cunnningham, Michael", "year_written": 1999, "edition": "Harcourt Brace...

Cmd Change Directory Drive Code Example

Example 1: how to change directory in cmd In windows shell is commanly known as the command prompt or the cmd .. . to change the directory you can just type cd and type your desired directory which is present inside the current directory .. . Example 2: how to change path in cmd to another path? Directory > cd .. . Directory > ( directory you want ) Example 3: how to change drive in command prompt windows 10 if you wanted to change the drive from "C:" to "D:" , you should type "d:" Example 4: change directory cmd cd comment to change directory in the cmd

C++ To Mips Converter Online Code Example

Example: convert c++ to mips assembly code online # Not sure what to do now ? Enter your mips code here

CodeIgniter PHP Model Access "Unable To Locate The Model You Have Specified"

Answer : When creating models, you need to place the file in application/models/ and name the file in all lowercase - like logon_model.php The logon_model.php should contain the following: <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Logon_model extends CI_Model { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } ... Now, what you can do, to test if your application model is reachable, is to try opening it in the browser - like so: If you see the text No direct script access allowed it means you hit the right file (if you are in doubt, try writing something else in the exit() in the first line). Secondly, for loading the model in your controllers, you should be able to do like this: public function index() { $this->load->model('logon_model'); ... } If everything above checks out as expected I would be...

Bing Picture Of The Day As Desktop Wallpaper?

Answer : Probably the easiest thing to do would be to install variety. It is a wall-paper manager that really does an excellent job to change your wallpaper at the frequency you want. Here are some of its settings: the frequency of the download the frequency of changing the image (once a day, at every reboot, every minute,...) where you want to download your images from where you want to store them on your computer quotes (either automatically or from a source) a nice clock. There is also a setting to run it at login. If you enable that and then add your bing image of the day url ( ?), you are all set. It can be found in the software center and it has a 5* rating! Here are some screenshots: I wrote a little node script that does exactly that : To install it, you'll need nodejs : sudo apt-get install no...

Button Css Generator Online Code Example

Example: css button generator <!-- The <button> tag produces a button. Place the text/media you want to be on the button by placing it between the opening and closing tags: --> < button > Click me! </ button > <!-- It is possible to add attributes, such as 'id' and 'type', into the opening tag, just like most other elements: --> < button id = " submitButton " type = " submit " > Click here to submit! </ button >

A Motor Boat Whose Speed In Still Water Is 15 Km H Goes 30 Km Downstream And Comes Back In A Total 4 Hrs 30 Mins. Determine The Speed Of The Stream. Code Example

Example: A boat covers a certain distance downstream in 1 hour, while it comes back in 1 hour 40 min. If the speed of the stream be 5 kmph, what is the speed of the boat in still water? A boat covers a certain distance downstream in 1 hour, while it comes back in 1 hour 40 min. If the speed of the stream be 5 kmph, what is the speed of the boat in still water?

Can Python Dictionary Comprehension Be Used To Create A Dictionary Of Substrings And Their Locations?

Answer : The problem is that v[0] depends on the length or v[1] , which means that either the operation to generate v[1] would have to operate twice, or that the dictionary would have to be iterated over in order to fill in v[0] to replace the dummy value included the first time. Another problem is that dict comprehensions expect the entire key and value to be available immediately, which means that you would have to run a list comprehension to get all the indexes of the character, which means that the entire operation becomes O(n 2 ). The only optimization I would make would be to replace the creation of d so that you don't need to check for key containment. d = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [0, []]) It is scary, but (I added just offsets, number of occurrences you may get from list of offsets). Yes, it may be done In [83]: my_str = 'abcdabcxdabc' In [84]: n=3 In [85]: {substr: [my_str.replace(substr, ' '*n, c).index(substr) ...

19 Inch To Cm Code Example

Example: inch to cm 1 inch = 2.54 cm

Antdsign Css For Php Code Example

Example: style input by type /* Style input based on type */ input[type=text] { }

Bootstrap Cards Examples

Example 1: boostrap card < div class = "card" style = "width: 18rem;" > < div class = "card-body" > < h5 class = "card-title" > Card title < / h5 > < h6 class = "card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted" > Card subtitle < / h6 > < p class = "card-text" > Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content . < / p > < a href = "#" class = "card-link" > Card link < / a > < a href = "#" class = "card-link" > Another link < / a > < / div > < / div > Example 2: card bootstrap < div class = "card" style = "width: 18rem;" > < img class = "card-img-top" src = "..." alt = "Card image cap" > < div class = "card-body" > < h5 class = "card-tit... Cpp Code Example

Example: cpp online compiler Best Site With auto compile : https : //

Ckeditor Cdn Code Example

Example 1: cdn ckeditor < script src = " " > </ script > Example 2: ckeditor cdn < script src = " " > </ script >

Banned Synonym Code Example

Example: banned precluded, prevented, stopped excluded, ruled out, shut out, unsanctioned, vetoed blocked, hindered, impeded, obstructed, disallowed, disapproved, discouraged refused, rejected, revoked, repressed, suppressed TYPICALLY as a result of the ... intolerable, unacceptable, unbearable, unendurable illegal, illegitimate, illicit, improper, inappropriate, unauthorized, unlawful, unlicensed ineffable, unmentionable, unseemly, unsuitable, objectionable

Mp3 Music Download Youtube Code Example

Example: youtube download mp3 I use https : // as a Python CLI tool to download videos

Circle Image In Css Code Example

Example 1: css photo circle img{ clip-path: circle(); } Example 2: convert image in rounshape in css img { border-radius: 50%; } Example 3: how to make an image circular html css img { border-radius: 50%; }

Bee Swarm Simulator Codes\ Code Example

Example: Bee swarm simulator description [ To celebrate the first anniversary of Bee Swarm Sim, you can use the code "AnniversaBee" for 48 hours of x2 Pollen and Conversion Rate (this weekend only)! Sorry the update wasn't finished in time - it's almost there though and I expect to release it next weekend. You can use the code to save up honey for upcoming items. ] Grow your own swarm of bees, collect pollen, and make honey in Bee Swarm Simulator! Meet friendly bears, complete their quests and get rewards! As your hive grows larger and larger, you can explore further up the mountain. Use your bees to defeat dangerous bugs and monsters. Look for treasures hidden around the map. Discover new types of bees, all with their own traits and personalities! Join Bee Swarm Simulator Club for free Honey, Treats and Codes!:

How To Add Auto Generated Id In Firestore In Collection Document Javascript Code Example

Example 1: firebase cloud method update firebase deploy -- only functions : functionNameHere Example 2: document.set() firebasefirestore java var washingtonRef = db . collection ( "cities" ) . doc ( "DC" ) ; // Atomically add a new region to the "regions" array field.washingtonRef.update({ regions: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion("greater_virginia")});// Atomically remove a region from the "regions" array field.washingtonRef.update({ regions: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayRemove("east_coast")});

A Href Tel Css Code Example

Example: html telephone < a href = " tel:0612345678 " > Call me! </ a >

Android Relative Layout Center Vertical With Margin

Answer : Try this: Try to use RelativeLayout which can easily done your requirement using weight : <RelativeLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:gravity="center_vertical"> <TextView android:id="@id/dummy" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" /> <TextView android:layout_below="@id/dummy" android:layout_marginTop="10dp" android:text="This is TextView" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/> </RelativeLayout> Try to use LinearLayout which can easily done your requirement using weight : <LinearLayout xmlns:and...

Cannot Debug In VS Code By Attaching To Chrome

Answer : You need to install Debugger for Chrome extension for this to work. Open extensions in VS Code and search for Debugger for Chrome You need to run a web server on the URL specified in the first configuration (default to http://localhost:8080). I use serve npm package that I installed globally. From my app folder I run serve -p 8080 Select Launch Chrome against localhost option. It will launch the browser and you can set breakpoints in your code and the debugging should work. Regarding the second configuration (Attach to Chrome). There's nothing special about the port. In order to attach to Chrome you need to run Chrome with remote debugging enabled on port specified in the config. For example chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222 . I personally never use this options. Just follow the three steps above and you should be fine. When using the configuration url , vscode will search for a tab with the EXACT url and attach to it if found. Use the configuration urlFi...

Appendchild() Javascript Code Example

Example 1: appendchild javascript function createMenuItem ( name ) { let li = document . createElement ( 'li' ) ; li . textContent = name ; return li ; } // get the ul#menu const menu = document . querySelector ( '#menu' ) ; // add menu item menu . appendChild ( createMenuItem ( 'Home' ) ) ; menu . appendChild ( createMenuItem ( 'Services' ) ) ; menu . appendChild ( createMenuItem ( 'About Us' ) ) ; Example 2: appendchild javascript const parent = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ; const child = document . createElement ( 'p' ) ; // Appending Node Objects parent . append ( child ) // Works fine parent . appendChild ( child ) // Works fine // Appending DOMStrings parent . append ( 'Hello world' ) // Works fine parent . appendChild ( 'Hello world' ) // Throws error Example 3: how to appendChild in the begin of the div javascript var element = document . getEle...

Palindrome Sentence In Python Code Example

Example 1: string palindrome in python n = input ( "Enter the word and see if it is palindrome: " ) #check palindrome if n == n [ :: - 1 ] : print ( "This word is palindrome" ) else : print ( "This word is not palindrome" ) Example 2: palindrome python # A palindrome is a word , number , phrase , or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward . # Ex : madam or racecar . def is_palindrome ( w ) : if w == w [ :: - 1 ] : # w [ :: - 1 ] it will reverse the given string value . print ( "Given String is palindrome" ) else : print ( "Given String is not palindrome" ) is_palindrome ( "racecar" )

Time Complexity Of Insertion Sort In Worst Case Code Example

Example: what is time complexity of insertion sort Time Complexity is : If the inversion count is O ( n ) , then the time complexity of insertion sort is O ( n ) . Some Facts about insertion sort : 1. Simple implementation : Jon Bentley shows a three - line C version , and a five - line optimized version [ 1 ] 2. Efficient for ( quite ) small data sets , much like other quadratic sorting algorithms 3. More efficient in practice than most other simple quadratic ( i . e . , O ( n2 ) ) algorithms such as selection sort or bubble sort 4. Adaptive , i . e . , efficient for data sets that are already substantially sorted : the time complexity is O ( kn ) when each element in the input is no more than k places away from its sorted position 5. Stable ; i . e . , does not change the relative order of elements with equal keys 6. In - place ; i . e . , only requires a constant amount O ( 1 ) of additional memory space Online ; i . e . , can sort a list a...

Alter Charset And Collation In All Columns In All Tables In MySQL

Answer : Solution 1: First of all, don't just take my word for it! Test my suggestion out with this: select CONCAT('alter table ',TABLE_SCHEMA,'.',TABLE_NAME,' charset=utf8;') from information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA != 'information_schema' limit 10; select CONCAT('alter table ',TABLE_SCHEMA,'.',TABLE_NAME,' alter column ',COLUMN_NAME,' charset=utf8;') from information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA != 'information_schema' limit 10; If you feel good with the outcome of that, remove the limit clauses and save the output to an SQL script or, get fancy and pipe the output directly to mysql similar to what I demonstrate here. That would look like this: mysql -B -N --host=prod-db1 --user=admin --password=secret -e "select CONCAT('alter table ',TABLE_SCHEMA,'.',TABLE_NAME,' charset=utf8;') from information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA != 'information_schema...

Can You Call Out To FFMPEG In A Firebase Cloud Function

Answer : ffmpeg is not preinstalled (pretty much just ImageMagick); to see exactly what's installed check out the Dockerfile here: However, you can upload arbitrary binaries when you upload your code using gcloud beta functions deploy because everything in the current directory (except node_modules ) is uploaded. Note: you only have disk write access at /tmp/ . Option 1: use ffmpeg-static npm module ffmpeg-static is an npm module that builds the correct ffmpeg binary based on the current system during npm install . Since Cloud Functions builds your code in the cloud, it'll build the correct ffmpeg binary. You can see it in action in the Cloud Functions for Firebase examples repo. const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg'); const ffmpeg_static = require('ffmpeg-static'); var cmd = ffmpeg('/tmp/video.avi') ....

Cannot Install Support Repository And Sync Project In Android Studio

Answer : Previously the Android Support Library dependencies were downloaded from Android SDK Manager. Now all the new versions are available from Google's Maven repository. In future all android libraries will be distributed through So, by adding the below code to the repositories will build the project. repositories { maven { url "" } } I had to add the following to my project level build.gradle. Then the button to install and worked. allprojects { repositories { maven { url "" } jcenter() } } Try using the latest support library versions: compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' //...

Arduino Uno Convert String To Int Code Example

Example: arduino string to int void loop() { Serial.readBytes(mystr,5); //Read the serial data and store in var //delay(1000); String val = mystr; int i = val.toInt(); int num = i + i; Serial.println(num); }

Android: How Do You Access A String-array From Strings.xml In A Custom Class?

Answer : Pass the context to the constructor of custom class and use the same new CustomClass(ActivityName.this); Then Context mContext; public CustomClass(Context context) { mContext = context; } use the context String[] foo_array = mContext.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.foo_array); Also keep in mind Do not keep long-lived references to a context-activity (a reference to an activity should have the same life cycle as the activity itself) Also check this android getResources() from non-Activity class Edit: Change this public class CustomClass(Context context) { } To public class CustomClass { Context mContext; public CustomClass(Context context) // constructor { mContext = context; } } try this, Context context=getApplicationContext(); String[] foo_array = context.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.foo_array); And, do not use Activity Context a...